Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast

Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast

Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast – Fruit has indeed become one of the foods that has very many benefits for the body, including in digestion.

Often underestimated, maintaining the health of the digestive system when it is important so that nutrients can be absorbed optimally by the body. Moreover, with increasing age the system has decreased.

The main way to maintain a healthy digestive system is through food intake. If you want to stay healthy and have a long life, starting today, include the following foods in your daily breakfast menu.

1. Papaya

Papaya contains papain. These enzymes can help digest proteins that enter the body. In addition, this fruit is a source of fermented substances that are good for health.

2. Apples

Apples are included in the “magic” fruit category. This magic is also felt by the digestive system.

Based on nutritional facts released by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 242 grams of apples contain at least 2 percent vitamin A, 8 percent vitamin C, and 20 percent fiber. Well, these three ingredients make apples good for consumption at breakfast to help maintain digestion.

If the digestive system is maintained, you will certainly be free from problems such as diarrhea or difficulty defecating (constipation or constipation).

3. Cucumber

Cucumber contains the enzyme erepsin which helps digestion. Starting from relieving stomach acid, gastritis, and stomach ulcers. Cucumbers have the potential to relieve constipation because they contain fiber and water. Cucumbers are even more effective when they are pickled because of the fermentation process that occurs.

Cucumber pickles contain probiotic bacteria which are proven to be effective in supporting healthy digestion and increasing the production of good gut flora. Avoid pickled cucumbers that have gone through a long boiling process, because usually the probiotic content is gone.

Also Read:Habits That Can Aggravate the Digestive System

4. Bananas

In 126 grams of bananas, there is at least 12 percent fiber content. High fiber is certainly good for maintaining bowel movements and healthy digestion.

Bananas have two types of fiber, namely pectin (increases when the banana is ripe) and resistant starch (which is owned by bananas that are not yet ripe).

Now, this resistant starch will “escape” from digestion and end up in the large intestine, which will be food for the good bacteria there. Pectin has the potential to provide protection against colon cancer.…

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System – Yoga is a sport that is quite unique and has its own audience, this sport is usually done to shape the body, but without realizing it, this yoga sport can help smooth the digestive system.

Do you want your body to be flexible? Do you also want your body to have easy bowel movements? That is easy. The trick is to do yoga movements.

Yoga movements can always relax the body, but on the other hand, it can also improve digestion. Coupled with lots of fibrous food, surely your body will have no problems in defecating. Do not believe? Try these five movements first.

1. Apanasana

This is a warm-up motion for doing digestive-enhancing yoga. The trick is to lie down, then inhale the air and hold it, put your hands on both knees.

Exhale and hug your knees up to your chest. Bend your knees from side to side and hold five to 10 breaths, then release. Repeat this movement several times.

2. Spinal twist

Use this pose to relax your stomach. You do this by lying down, hug your knees and inhale. As you release your breath, drop your knee to the left by pushing it slowly with your left hand.

Then turn your head and stretch your hand to the right side. Maintain that position for up to 10 breaths. Inhale and bring your arms and knees back to the center. Repeat for the other side.

3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Apart from improving digestion, this pose also helps improve your blood flow. The trick is to lie on the floor and bend your knees.

Keep your hands at your sides and let your feet flat on the floor. Move your hips up to open your chest.

Also Read:Impact Of Common Digestive Diseases GERD

4. Spinal twist with one leg

It is enough to sit in the position of your legs lengthwise. Bend the knee of your right leg and bring your foot closer to the body. Place your right hand to the back with your palms on the floor.

Put your left elbow on your right knee so that your body rotates. Maintain that position for five or more breaths. Return to starting position and repeat for the other side.

5. Paschimottanasana

Not only does it improve digestion, this pose also makes your body supple. As in the picture, sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward.

Keep your back straight, then slowly bend forward until it is closer to your feet. Maintain that position for five or more breaths.…