Impact Of Common Digestive Diseases GERD

Impact Of Common Digestive Diseases GERD

Impact Of Common Digestive Diseases GERD – GERD disease is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders, with the large number of sufferers of GERD, this disease is often underestimated by sufferers.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic disease of the digestive system characterized by the increase in stomach acid into the esophagus. This condition occurs when stomach acid rises more than twice a week. GERD can cause the sufferer to experience chest pain, bad breath, coughing, difficulty swallowing, ulcers, indigestion, nausea, and sore throat. Not only that, there are many effects of GERD that can be harmful to the body. So, what are they?
The impact of GERD
In severe cases, GERD can cause serious health problems and complications if not treated properly. The possible impacts of GERD include:

1. Esophagitis

GERD can cause inflammation in the esophagus called esophagitis. This condition can make you sore throat, difficult to swallow, hoarse voice, and ulcers. If left untreated, chronic esophagitis can lead to ulcers, narrowing, and even esophageal cancer.

2. Esophageal ulcers

GERD can damage the lining of the esophagus, causing painful ulcers (sores). This condition is called an esophageal ulcer whose symptoms include a burning sensation in the chest, indigestion, pain when swallowing, nausea, ulcers, and bloody stool. In severe cases, this condition can cause a hole in the esophagus or a bleeding ulcer.

3. Narrowing of the esophagus

Untreated GERD can trigger inflammation, scar tissue, or abnormal tissue growth in the esophagus. As a result, the esophagus becomes narrower and tighter. This condition can cause pain or difficulty swallowing, food and liquids are difficult to flow from the esophagus to the stomach, so that breathing feels tight. In addition, solid food can also get stuck in the esophagus, increasing the risk of choking. That way, you are also more likely to become dehydrated and malnourished.

4. Tooth decay

The impact of GERD can also affect teeth. Increased stomach acid can damage the enamel (the hard outer layer of the teeth), making it easier for teeth to become porous and cavities.

5. Aspiration pneumonia

Gastric acid that rises to the throat or mouth can be inhaled into the lungs, causing aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia is an infection of the lungs due to the entry of a foreign object into the organ. This condition can be characterized by a number of symptoms, such as fever, fatigue, cough, chest pain, shortness of breath, wheezing, and bluish skin. If left untreated, aspiration pneumonia can even lead to death.

6. Barrett’s esophagus

Continued damage to the esophagus from GERD can trigger cell changes in the lining of the esophagus. About 10-15 percent of people with GERD also experience Barrett’s esophagus, a condition that occurs when the squamous cells that line the lower esophagus are replaced by glandular cells that are similar to the cells that line the intestines. There is a slight risk that these glandular cells can become cancerous.

7. Esophageal cancer

GERD sufferers are at higher risk of developing a type of esophageal cancer known as esophageal adenocarcinoma. This cancer attacks the lower part of the esophagus causing a variety of symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, weight loss, chest pain, coughing, severe indigestion, and severe heartburn. In its early stages, esophageal cancer often causes no symptoms. Usually, a person only notices the symptoms that exist after the cancer has reached an advanced stage.