How to Overcome Stale Food Poisoning


How to Overcome Stale Food Poisoning – Stale food poisoning is a health condition caused as a result of consuming contaminated food. Usually, pathogenic bacteria or parasites are transferred through unhealthy food into our body system. Food may have been contaminated due to unhygienic serving or processing, or from spoiled food ingredients.

Some of the common pathogens that cause this condition are Salmonella and E.coli. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is estimated that every year there are 1,000,000 cases of spoiled food poisoning and nearly 20,000 hospitalizations due to salmonella infection.

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Anything may cause stale food poisoning, complications caused by this poisoning condition can be fatal, trigger loss of appetite, the body becomes weak.

Some signs of stale food poisoning are diarrhea, abdominal pain, severe vomiting, headache, fever, and weakness. For that, consume food or do things that can rest the stomach.

How to Overcome Stale Food Poisoning

Stale food poisoning can usually be treated at home and most cases clear up in three to five days. If you have stale food poisoning, it’s very important to stay well hydrated and take steps to deal with it.

Here are some ways that can be done when stale food poisoning.

1. Drink Water
Fluid intake is very important to help the body fight the effects of food poisoning. Vomiting and diarrhea can lead to dehydration. Drinking water can eliminate dehydration.

2. Boiled Vegetables
Change your diet by eating healthy foods, such as vegetables. In this way, the body can reclaim nutrients.

You just need to boil some vegetables and add the necessary spices, and use olive oil to give the food flavor. Besides being boiled, vegetables are also served grilled. Also eat fresh fruit in small portions. Recommended fruits include bananas, apples, pears, and papayas.

3. Drink Green Coconut Water
One of the main symptoms of food poisoning is dehydration which usually begins with vomiting. As a result, the body tends to lose a lot of water and food due to vomiting too often.

Also Read : Digestive System Disorders Often Experienced

That is why, it is important to soothe the stomach by consuming ice cold fruit, and fresh fruit juices for example to help also prevent the residual bad taste that develops in the mouth. This foul taste makes it difficult to eat and drink anything.

Switching to sugary drinks like green coconut water, salt and sugar solution with lemon juice to combat dehydration is worth a try. Launching the National Institutes of Health, green coconut water effectively removes toxins in the body.

4. Chicken Soup
You are also recommended to include snacks such as toast, a bowl of porridge or chicken soup. This method can overcome stale food poisoning.

5. Yogurt
Yogurt is also good for health, and light to consume. Especially those who suffer from stomach disorders.

6. Chamomile Tea
The next way to deal with stale food poisoning is to drink chamomile tea.

Chamomile tea has a pleasant effect and is able to neutralize the stomach so that it can relieve stomach pain due to spoiled food poisoning.

7. Ginger Tea
When experiencing symptoms due to stale food poisoning, you can consume ginger tea.

Ginger is known to win the stomach. When drinking warm ginger water, the stomach muscles can also be more relaxed and relieve nausea.

8. Garlic
Garlic is also very effective in fighting stale food poisoning because it has strong antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

It can also relieve symptoms, such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. You can eat a clove of fresh garlic, swallow it with water.

9. Honey
Honey has antifungal and antibacterial properties that are effective for treating indigestion and symptoms of spoiled food poisoning.

Honey can be consumed as a natural remedy in its pure form or added to tea.

10. Basil Leaves
Basil is an excellent herb for soothing an upset stomach caused by stale food poisoning.

Basil also has antimicrobial properties that help fight micro-organisms.

Signs of stale food:

  • Going through a color change
  • A layer of mucus appears on the food
  • Gives off an unpleasant odor or smell
  • Food texture changes, such as mushy or slimy
  • There is a fungus that can be seen on the food.

Digestive System Disorders Often Experienced


Digestive System Disorders Often Experienced – Digestive system disorders can cause discomfort. However, this health problem usually has similar symptoms, making it difficult to identify. Knowing the various common digestive diseases can help you identify the condition more easily.
Indigestion can be caused by many things. Starting from infection, consumption of drugs, to genetic factors. Then, what are the digestive system disorders that generally occur in Indonesia?

Various types of digestive system disorders that often occur
A number of digestive system diseases that are quite common in Indonesia include:

1. Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a condition of increased frequency of bowel movements (BAB) accompanied by a watery stool texture. Other symptoms include abdominal cramps, bloating, nausea, to the presence of blood in the stool.
The causes of digestive system disorders are very diverse. Starting from the consumption of food that has been contaminated with bacteria or parasites, the side effects of drugs (such as antibiotics), to medical procedures (such as surgery for the stomach area).

2. Stomach
Heartburn is an uncomfortable condition in the stomach, such as pain or stinging. Ulcer symptoms are generally mild and appear when you consume certain foods and drinks, or when you are full or late to eat.
Most cases of ulcers can be cured without the help of a doctor. For example, by improving diet and avoiding triggers.
However, if the symptoms of an ulcer do not go away, interfere with routine, or often recur, you should consult a doctor to get a suitable treatment.

3. Constipation
Constipation is a condition in which a person defecates less than three times per week with hard stool texture.
Digestive disease, also known as constipation, can occur for many reasons. Starting from lifestyle (such as drinking less water and eating fiber foods) to the influence of drugs (such as antacids or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

4. GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)
GERD is acid reflux from the stomach up into the esophagus (gullet). Disturbance in the digestive system occurs due to the valve between the esophagus and stomach can not close properly (loose).
GERD can cause stomach acid to irritate the esophagus. When GERD recurs, patients may experience a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn), chest pain, nausea, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness of voice, and coughing.

5. Lactose Intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the digestive system cannot digest a type of sugar in milk (lactose). This condition is more common in babies born prematurely, people with disorders of the small intestine.
If you are lactose intolerant and drink milk, you may experience a number of symptoms including diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and bloating. This complaint generally occurs within 30 minutes after consumption of milk.

6. Gallstones
Gallstones are piles of hard material that form in the gallbladder. This small, pear-shaped pouch functions to release bile for digestive function.
Gallstones can form because bile contains too much cholesterol and metabolic waste. Indigestion can also occur when the release of bile is blocked.
The presence of stones in the gallbladder can cause severe pain in the upper right abdomen. However, this condition can be treated with medication or surgery.

7. Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the blood vessels at the end of the digestive tract (anal area). This condition is also called hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.
Causes of digestive system disorders include chronic constipation, diarrhea, the habit of straining too hard during bowel movements, and lack of fiber in the daily diet.
Hemorrhoids can be characterized by the presence of blood during bowel movements, painful bowel movements, and itching in the rectal or anal area. This digestive disease can be overcome by living a healthy lifestyle and eating fiber-rich foods.

8. Stomach ulcer
Peptic ulcers are blisters (such as canker sores) that develop on the stomach wall. Causes are generally similar to gastritis, namely infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria or side effects of taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Common symptoms of peptic ulcers are upper abdominal pain and bloating. While other complaints include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, to black stool color can also occur.

Also Read : Breakfast Menu That Can Launch The Digestive System

9. IBD
IBD or inflammatory bowel disease is a condition in which there are chronic blisters in the digestive tract, generally in the large intestine. There are two types of diseases that are classified as IBD, namely Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
IBD can cause sufferers to experience abdominal pain, diarrhea, stools accompanied by blood, fever, fatigue, weight loss, to malnutrition (malnutrition).
However, the cause of this digestive system disorder is not known with certainty. Genetic factors to autoimmune responses are thought to be the trigger.

10. IBS
IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a chronic digestive disease of the large intestine. The exact cause of this condition is not known. However, a number of factors can affect a person’s risk for experiencing it, such as intestinal muscle contractions, inflammation, severe infections, to changes in the bacteria in the gut.
IBS is often characterized by abdominal pain or cramping, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, and the presence of mucus in the stool. These symptoms are generally triggered by the consumption of certain foods, stress, or hormonal changes.…

Habits That Can Aggravate the Digestive System

Habits That Can Aggravate the Digestive System

Habits That Can Aggravate the Digestive System – Some of the articles that we will provide are articles that we summarize from trusted sources, here are articles that discuss habits that can worsen the digestive system.

If you suffer from problems with your digestive system, from constipation to just mild pain, you are not alone. It is true that basically every element of our life can affect the digestive system.

It’s no surprise that eating is the number one habit that’s important to pay attention to, from what you eat to how you eat it.

1. The habit of taking painkillers

Relievers may not be very good for the stomach. While drinking it every time you get sick may seem like the right thing to do, too much of it can actually be detrimental to gut health.

2. Too many acidic foods

Acidic foods cause many health problems, most of which are gastrointestinal, including things like acid reflux, ulcers, heartburn and inflammation of the lining of the stomach. A good fix is ​​to add more foods such as fruits and vegetables, which do not cause stomach acid to rise.

3. Not giving yourself enough time to digest

How to eat is important. It’s good to slow down, enjoy, and really chew the food. This can help relieve some of the digestive problems that may result from eating too fast.

4. Chew gum

As strange as it may sound, chewing gum can cause internal disturbances in the intestines. This seemingly innocent habit may be the cause of flatulence and uncontrollable gas.

Also Read:Common Habits Triggers Indigestion

5. Hold back to waste water

Ignoring the body’s urge to have a bowel movement is the worst thing for the intestines. Holding on to it for any reason can lead to constipation and other unpleasant problems that you will definitely want to avoid.

6. Eating too much

While eating something delicious is best, when you’re just past the point of fullness a little, it’s not that much fun. If you ever experience bloating or stomach pain after eating, you may be eating too much and like eating fast, it puts a lot of stress on the digestive system if it is common.…

Common Habits Triggers Indigestion

Common Habits Triggers Indigestion

Common Habits Triggers Indigestion – After going through several stages of the filtering process, we are finally able to enhance the article we have collected with data from reliable sources about common habits that trigger indigestion.

Everything that is good is sure to bring about good things. But in essence, it is not always like that because good things often cause problems even though they are not quite serious problems. For example, the following five habits that make the digestive system problematic, you know?

1. Consume too much fiber

Fiber has a function to facilitate digestion and prevent constipation. Unfortunately, not too much good fiber consumption because it will cause diarrhea. Anything that is superfluous is bad and causes problems. Therefore, consume fibrous foods with the right levels so as not to cause problems.

2. Marathon

Even though running a marathon is good, it can actually cause digestive problems. It is said that runners will often experience diarrhea before running or running. This is because when running the digestive system becomes flexible and smooth which eventually becomes diarrhea. It’s good so that you don’t feel stomach pain when running, defecating before running a marathon.

3. Wrong vitamins

When you want to take vitamins, it’s a good idea to be careful. Do not consume the vitamins your body needs carelessly. This is because the wrong consumption of vitamins can cause digestive problems. Like taking supplements that contain iron and magnesium, it can cause the digestive system to work quickly, which eventually leads to diarrhea and constipation.

Also Read:Digestive Aid Drinks That Must Be Consumed

4. Waking up too early for exercise

Waking up early with the goal of exercise is good for health. But on the other hand, it turns out that getting up early can ruin your normal sleep cycle. Impaired sleep cycles can cause disrupted bowel movements. Ironically, it is not only the digestive tract that is disturbed, you can also experience gastrointestinal cancer if your sleep rhythm is disturbed.

5. Consume protein

Protein is a healthy food that has many benefits for the body. Apart from replacing carbohydrates, protein is also useful in building the body and strengthening bones. But in fact, protein can cause digestive problems if you are on a diet, namely the stomach will often experience constipation and diarrhea. Therefore, when the diet is better, don’t consume too much protein.…

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System

Yoga Movement To Streamline the Digestive System – Yoga is a sport that is quite unique and has its own audience, this sport is usually done to shape the body, but without realizing it, this yoga sport can help smooth the digestive system.

Do you want your body to be flexible? Do you also want your body to have easy bowel movements? That is easy. The trick is to do yoga movements.

Yoga movements can always relax the body, but on the other hand, it can also improve digestion. Coupled with lots of fibrous food, surely your body will have no problems in defecating. Do not believe? Try these five movements first.

1. Apanasana

This is a warm-up motion for doing digestive-enhancing yoga. The trick is to lie down, then inhale the air and hold it, put your hands on both knees.

Exhale and hug your knees up to your chest. Bend your knees from side to side and hold five to 10 breaths, then release. Repeat this movement several times.

2. Spinal twist

Use this pose to relax your stomach. You do this by lying down, hug your knees and inhale. As you release your breath, drop your knee to the left by pushing it slowly with your left hand.

Then turn your head and stretch your hand to the right side. Maintain that position for up to 10 breaths. Inhale and bring your arms and knees back to the center. Repeat for the other side.

3. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Apart from improving digestion, this pose also helps improve your blood flow. The trick is to lie on the floor and bend your knees.

Keep your hands at your sides and let your feet flat on the floor. Move your hips up to open your chest.

Also Read:Impact Of Common Digestive Diseases GERD

4. Spinal twist with one leg

It is enough to sit in the position of your legs lengthwise. Bend the knee of your right leg and bring your foot closer to the body. Place your right hand to the back with your palms on the floor.

Put your left elbow on your right knee so that your body rotates. Maintain that position for five or more breaths. Return to starting position and repeat for the other side.

5. Paschimottanasana

Not only does it improve digestion, this pose also makes your body supple. As in the picture, sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward.

Keep your back straight, then slowly bend forward until it is closer to your feet. Maintain that position for five or more breaths.…