Foods That Can Be Digestive Medicine

Foods That Can Be Digestive Medicine

Foods That Can Be Digestive Medicine – The digestive system is one of the most important body systems and must be taken care of properly. It turns out that there are some drugs that come from food that can be digestive drugs.

However, there are also what are referred to as prebiotics. Slightly different from probiotics, prebiotics are a form of dietary fiber that feeds the good bacteria in the digestive tract. Both prebiotics and probiotics have the same goal, which is to support our digestive health.

There are several types of natural prebiotics that can be found easily around us. What are those? Check out the following reviews.

1. Onions
Onions are a versatile vegetable that has a variety of health benefits. According to a 2015 report in the journal Carbohydrate Polymers, onions are known to be rich in inulin and fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS).

According to another report in the journal Current Developments in Nutrition in 2018, there are several benefits of FOS contained in onions. Among these are strengthening the flora in the gut, helping the breakdown of fats, and boosting the immune system by increasing the production of nitric oxide in cells.

2. Garlic

Garlic is known as a food that has anti-inflammatory properties. On the other hand, this one food also contains prebiotics.

Based on research published in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness in 2013, several prebiotic substances in garlic were found to stimulate the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria from the human fecal microflora. In addition, garlic is efficacious in preventing several gastrointestinal diseases.

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3. Green bananas (unripe bananas)

The content of carbohydrates that cannot be broken down by intestinal enzymes can act as food for the good bacteria in the intestine. The substance that cannot be broken down is FOS, a group of fructose molecules that nourish the Bifidobacteria in the gut.

Not only that, when bananas are still green, their role is as a source of resistant starch (another form of prebiotic). A study in the journal Anaerobe found that women who consumed it twice a day as a pre-meal snack for 60 days experienced an increase in the levels of good bacteria in their gut, as well as a 50 percent reduction in flatulence.

4. Apple

Although not a source of prebiotics, apples are included in this list because they contain pectin. Pectin is a natural fruit fiber found in apple skins, according to research in the journal Anaerobe. This substance can support the growth of beneficial bacteria (Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus).

Apples can also help build better gut health thanks to their inulin and FOS content. Not to forget, the antioxidant content can lower cholesterol and protect our bodies from metabolic syndrome disorders, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease.…

Easy Ways to Overcome Hospitals

Easy Ways to Overcome Hospitals

Easy Ways to Overcome Hospitals – Ulcer often occurs when we late eat or no food that comes in when we are hungry. Heartburn is a very reasonable pain in everyone. There are several drugs that can overcome heartburn. But there are some things that can be done to overcome when ulcer pain come

1. Ready for medicine for heartburn as first aid when it hurts recurrence

If you have a heartburn history, you have to be ready for heartburn whenever and anywhere. There are a variety of hurt drugs that can be an option, such as antacids, Acid Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors. Don’t just drink it. You need to check and ask for a doctor’s prescription to determine which heartburn drug is the best for you.

2. Make a meal schedule and just give it

One of the causes of heartburn is late eating. Sometimes it’s not easy to eat on time, especially for you who have a lot of busy life. For that, it doesn’t hurt for you to make a meal schedule. Not only made, but it’s aired too. Even if you are busy, you can prepare food ready to eat in your bag.

3. Eat with a little portion but often

It hurts to recur and pain because your stomach is empty. Instead of eating a lot at once but not eating again after, it’s better to eat a little but often. It is far more effective to prevent heartburn because gastric acid does not rise when the stomach is empty.

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4. Avoid spicy foods, high caffeine and acid

For those of you who have the potential to recur, it’s good to avoid eating spicy foods, high caffeine and sour. If you are tempted, remember how sick it is if you get sick. That way, you will be far from the food.

5. Avoid beating after eating

After eating sometimes it really makes sleepy. However, don’t let you just cook it. That’s because bayen can make stomach acid up to the throat. As a result, it hurts to recur. For that, try waiting 30 minutes after eating if you want to lie up!

6. Increase the rest, especially if it is sick

One way is to relieve heartburn with a lot of rest. Stop all activities, especially when it hurts to recur. It’s better to take a short break or if necessary until you recover. Fatigue and stress will only make heartburn get worse.

7. Fasting can also make heartburn so it’s better

Dr. Hk. Bhakru, the author of the Complete Handbook of Nature Cure, a traditional way to treat heartburn by fasting. Fasting makes your meal schedule more regularly. However, you also need a right diet to fulfill your nutris. To undergo fasting, consult a doctor first.…

Breakfast Menu That Can Launch The Digestive System


Breakfast Menu That Can Launch The Digestive System – Breakfast menu should not only be delicious but also healthy. Choose healthy foods that can launch the digestive system. Many researchers say that breakfast is the best meal of the day. Breakfast can provide an energy supply after fasting for a night and the body becomes energized when you undergo various activities.

Therefore, choose a healthy breakfast menu and can launch the digestive system. It also provides essential nutrients in the form of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins and fiber. There are many healthy food choices that contain these nutrients. Starting from fruit to drink ingredients.


Papaya fruit is the perfect food as a breakfast menu. By eating papaya can make the intestines become healthier. The benefits will continue by improving digestive function. In the flesh of the papaya fruit there is a content of the enzyme papain in high amounts when the fruit is ripe. These enzymes will help digest proteins that enter the body.

Not only that, this fruit with orange flesh is a good source of fermenting substances. Fermentation substances that can also promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestines.


Adding cucumber to the breakfast menu is a good idea. Cucumbers contain an enzyme called erepsi. These enzymes will play a role to facilitate the digestive system properly. By consuming cucumber, you will feel miraculous effects such as curing stomach acid, gastritis to stomach ulcers. Cucumber benefits not only can launch the digestive system, but also can hydrate the body.

Keep in mind that cucumbers have a very high water content. One cucumber contains an average of 95% water. So, consuming cucumber will not make you dehydrated.


To launch the digestive system needed nutrients in the form of high fiber. You can get these nutrients from bananas. This yellow-skinned fruit is indeed effective for intestinal health. Bananas are a good source of probiotic elements which are good for the growth of good bacteria in the gut. Not only that, bananas also contain good carbohydrates.

By eating bananas for breakfast, you will feel full longer, thus encouraging you not to eat a lot. Therefore bananas are also called weight loss.

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4.Honey and Lemon Concoction

There’s nothing wrong with making a healthy concoction for breakfast. The concoction can be made with three simple ingredients such as lemon, honey and a mixture of warm water. The herb is said to improve digestion and even boost the immune system. Lemon itself has the main soluble fiber in the form of pectin which will play a role in launching the body’s digestive system.

While honey contains important minerals and enzymes. Mixing the two with warm water will help increase the body’s metabolism and can lead to weight loss.


This simple food from Indonesia can also launch the digestive system. That’s because tempeh is made by going through a fermentation process. The fermentation process promotes the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. That way, the body’s digestive system will be smooth. Because it is made from soybeans, tempeh contains high amounts of fiber.

Not only that, tempeh also contains Rhizopus fungus which is a type of natural antibiotic. These mushrooms have been shown to treat diarrhea and help the absorption of minerals in the intestines.…

Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast

Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast

Healthy Digestion with Fruit Breakfast – Fruit has indeed become one of the foods that has very many benefits for the body, including in digestion.

Often underestimated, maintaining the health of the digestive system when it is important so that nutrients can be absorbed optimally by the body. Moreover, with increasing age the system has decreased.

The main way to maintain a healthy digestive system is through food intake. If you want to stay healthy and have a long life, starting today, include the following foods in your daily breakfast menu.

1. Papaya

Papaya contains papain. These enzymes can help digest proteins that enter the body. In addition, this fruit is a source of fermented substances that are good for health.

2. Apples

Apples are included in the “magic” fruit category. This magic is also felt by the digestive system.

Based on nutritional facts released by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 242 grams of apples contain at least 2 percent vitamin A, 8 percent vitamin C, and 20 percent fiber. Well, these three ingredients make apples good for consumption at breakfast to help maintain digestion.

If the digestive system is maintained, you will certainly be free from problems such as diarrhea or difficulty defecating (constipation or constipation).

3. Cucumber

Cucumber contains the enzyme erepsin which helps digestion. Starting from relieving stomach acid, gastritis, and stomach ulcers. Cucumbers have the potential to relieve constipation because they contain fiber and water. Cucumbers are even more effective when they are pickled because of the fermentation process that occurs.

Cucumber pickles contain probiotic bacteria which are proven to be effective in supporting healthy digestion and increasing the production of good gut flora. Avoid pickled cucumbers that have gone through a long boiling process, because usually the probiotic content is gone.

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4. Bananas

In 126 grams of bananas, there is at least 12 percent fiber content. High fiber is certainly good for maintaining bowel movements and healthy digestion.

Bananas have two types of fiber, namely pectin (increases when the banana is ripe) and resistant starch (which is owned by bananas that are not yet ripe).

Now, this resistant starch will “escape” from digestion and end up in the large intestine, which will be food for the good bacteria there. Pectin has the potential to provide protection against colon cancer.…

Digestive Aid Drinks That Must Be Consumed

Digestive Aid Drinks That Must Be Consumed

Digestive Aid Drinks That Must Be Consumed – Digestive disorders are one of the diseases that are often experienced, these digestive disorders can be neutralized with several types of drinks.

Constipation is one of the problems that exist in the digestive system. Of course constipation really interferes with activities, especially if the frequency is often felt. Although there are drugs available to treat constipation, of course it would be better if you can cure it in a more natural way.

For those of you who may often experience constipation problems, here are five drinks that can improve your digestive system.

1. Coffee

Maybe you wouldn’t think that coffee is one type of drink that can help deal with digestive issues. Coffee contains caffeine which can have a laxative effect. This effect will help you digestion.

However, consuming excessively will only make it prone to diarrhea. Therefore, make sure the portion levels are right.

2. Yogurt

This fermented milk product is also one type of drink that can help in smoothing the digestive system. Yogurt contains good bacteria in it. In addition, this menu can help stimulate the colon to soften the stool more.

3. Orange juice

Fruits that are rich in vitamin C are indeed very helpful in smoothing the digestive system in the body. Although it is advisable to eat whole oranges, the juice processing can still be one of the best recommendations.

Besides being rich in vitamin C, its fiber content can help the digestive system smoothen the process.

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4. Aloe vera juice

This one food ingredient with a chewy texture has a variety of good ingredients and benefits in it. Aloe vera juice can not only speed up the metabolic process and burn excess fat, but also can improve the digestive system in the body. You can process it into fresh and healthy juices.

5. Water

As well as other drinks that are commonly consumed to improve digestion, water is still the main alternative. In addition to preventing dehydration, consuming plain water will have a fresh effect and also help in smoothing the digestive system in the body. Therefore, consume water regularly and regularly.…